

Eskin 2nd edition - Dmitry G. Eskin, Georgy I. Eskin

BCAST, Brunel University London, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 3PH, UK (

Edition 2nd Edition
Published 20 August 2014
Pub. location Boca Raton
Imprint CRC Press
Pages 346 pages
eBook ISBN 9781466577992


1st edition -
11/14/2017 - above requested through (Eskin not on

Niobium's Young's modulus is constant in the range of 20-1200 °C. (Eskin[1], p. 299) Thus, unlike other acoustic materials, the resonator's frequency remains relatively constant within this temperature range. This makes it suitable for processing liquid metals. (Although other materials can be pretuned to the required operating temperature, they then can't be run on typical narrow-band power supplies at ambient temperatures.)

Eskin preview (1st edition?) -

Eskin -

In molten A7 (1070) aluminum - "These data [Table 10.1] show how easily radiators of iron alloys can be destroyed and show the superiority of the cavitation resistance of titanium, molybdenum, and especially niobium based systems. Radiators of tantalum exhibit an exceptionally high resistance; however, the use of this metal is prohibitively expensive." (p. 301) --> effects of cavitation + chem reaction to liquid metal.

"Analysis of this experimental evidence helps us make a meaningful choice of radiator material depending on the type of ultrasonic treatment and financial constraints. For example, in shape casting where the ultrasonic degassing process lasts at most thirty minutes, wide use is made of radiators of titanium and its alloys, which are readily repairable by building up the eroded face. For prolonged continuous pruification and grain refining of cast aluminum, the optimum material for radiators is niobium alloys which afford hundreds of hours of continuous ultrasonic treatment. In continuous casting of magnesium alloys, low alloy tool steels can be a reasonable choice." (p. 301)

Molten metal horn requirements (p. 298) -

  • Wetted by liquid aluminum
  • High density - why?
  • High melting point
  • High endurance
  • f insensitive to temperature
  • Endure large number of heating cycles
  • Release an insignificant number of fine particles into the melt

Ceramic radiators have a low endurance limit and low cavitation resistance in liquid aluminum, therefore can operate at displacement amplitudes under 10 micro-meters." (p. 298)


"Erosion resistance and performance characteristics of niobium ultrasonic sonotrodes in molten aluminum" --> Nb with 4% Mo has much better cavitation resistance than pure Nb possibly because Nb has a "much lower value of tensile stress and hardness compared to that of the Nb–Mo alloy tip".

11/14/2017 - requested through


Nb has low fatigue but operating ampls in molten metals is relatively low. (Eskin, table 10.1 --> 20 microns, unspecified f)

Wave speed is low so tunes shorter than usual acoustic mats.


weiss1 --

20 kHz

"Again, no difference between the experimental results of specimens tesed in pure water or in the Ringer's solution could be detected." (p. 395)

Figure 6 (p. 401) & Table 4 (p. 405) - fatigue stress @ 5e7 cycles = 250 MPa (36 ksi) @ 50% failures (room temperature, water or Ringer's solution)



Dave Hunicke - what is stud mat? pure Nb or alloyed?


11/14/2017 Google search - nothing good down to level 6


Dmitry G. Eskin -


Figure 1. Description
Table 1. References for figure 1
Item number Description
12a Pin hole