-------------------- Applications ----------------------------------- MP Interconsulting - 'Ultrasonic vibrations in metallurgy' Cavitation measurement - p. 39+ Cell disruption --------------------------------------------------------------------- NiAl bronze - "Nibral is an alloy of nickel, bronze, and aluminum. It is stronger than bronze, but not as strong as stainless steel. Most propellers for tournament inboards are made of nibral." (www.elberts.com/faq.htm) Approx same erosion rate as 316L SS & titanium (Kendrick H. Light, "DEVELOPMENT OF A CAVITATION EROSION RESISTANT ADVANCED MATERIAL SYSTEM" (thesis, 1993) , fig. 5.5, p. 40) ASTM 1998. Standard Test Method for Cavitation Erosion Using Vibratory Apparatus: G32-98 , Annual Book of ASTM Standards, American Society for Testing and Materials: 107-120. Caupin - "We plan to use optical techniques to get the local and instantaneous density and sound velocity inside the sound wave used for acoustic cavitation." (p. 1010) "Erosion and damage by cavitation are clearly reviewed in Refs. [5, Chapter 5.4.1] or [7]. We will just mention here that damage arises during the cavity collapse, by two mechanisms. First, the collapse emits a large shock wave in the liquid, whose effects can be enhanced by the collective collapse of many bubbles in a cavitation cloud. The second mechanism is due to asymmetric collapse: because of the proximity of a wall, or of a passing shock wave (emitted by another collapsing bubble), the bubble loses its spherical shape, a high speed liquid jet is formed and impinges the solid surface." pp. 1013 - 1014 [5] T.G. Leighton, The Acoustic Bubble, Academic Press, London, 1994 [7] J.-P. Franc, J.-M. Michel, Fundamentals of Cavitation, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London, 2004 Effect of frequency on power for a given amplitude or velocity? Contact authors of 'Attached cavitation at a small diameter ultrasonic horn tip' 1Laboratory for Water and Turbine Machines 2Christian Doppler Laboratory for Cavitation and Micro-Erosion Attacks grain boundaries (weakest point) --> reference? - try single crystals (no grain boundaries) --> somewhere I have found. Tungsten? Sapphire - Advertized by Qsonica See Berliner S&m report Somewhere is ref that cavitation resistance may be amplitude sensitive for some materials (i.e., a material that shows high resistance at low amplitudes may show relatively lower resistance at high amplitudes, compared to other materials) Shielding If cavitation erosion proceeds too far then vapors may be trapped within the eroded pockets, thereby shielding the fluid from the horn. See Berliner + other.